Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Reading 2010- Flanimals

Flanimals Pop-Up Book
by: Ricky Gervais
Summary: They're grotesque. They're absurd. They're so ugly they're cute - and they could only be spawned by the mind of award-winning comedian Ricky Gervais. From a planet far away, these bizarre and whimsical beasts - from the ferocious airborne Bletchling to the badly behaved Grundit to the fatally timid Splunge - spring to life in the droll and off-the-cuff prose of a writer who some may liken to a latter-day Edward Lear. Then again, some may find these grossly amusing creatures simply-gross. And whose fault is that? Just remember: don’t pull a tab just because you’ve been told to!

The animals may seem scary, but the descriptions make them funny, a great interactive read.
Some great activities to do with your children:
1. Create your own "Flanimals," draw pictures, use your imaginations!
2. Read this book aloud to your child with different scary noises for each monster.
3. Create your own Pop-Ups! Go to this website: http://www.robertsabuda.com/popmakesimple.asp

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